The right recycling contract for a facility or office will be determined by the amount of waste generated and what kind of recyclables is dominant in the waste streams. For example, a field office, in most cases, is more likely to generate papers and some beverage containers, while a roads maintenance yard may most likely generate large quantities of scrap metal. Facilities that generate large quantities of valuables, such as high-quality white paper or metals may earn some money by contracting for the recycling of those waste materials separately. For most facilities and offices, negotiating with trash haulers for recycling services may prove to be the most cost effective and simplest options. Key steps in waste management at facilities include:
Identify recycling coordinators & building manager
Each state agency needs to appoint recycling coordinator. Each of the recycling coordinators may be responsible for multiple facilities or a single building. They should have knowledge about solid waste management, as well as recycling. The recycling coordinators have the responsibility of filing the annual report and calculating the agency per-capita disposal rate. If the agency is situated within a large facility, you can always contact the building manager to review the current recycling activities, opportunities to improve and existing recycling contracts.
Conduct waste audits
Waste audits help to identify the types and amounts of recyclable materials, as well as waste generated by a facility. Based on the data collected during an audit, the agency will be in a position to identify ways of reducing office rubbish, enhance its efforts of recycling, and ascertain potential cost savings arising from avoiding disposal. Waste audits involve sorting and weighing the disposable items by your facility.
Develop a refuse & recycling plan
Once you have determined the types and amounts of recyclables generated by a facility, the next step involves developing a refuse & recycling plan. Management should approve the plan. The plan determines how the recyclable materials will flow from the point of collection to the loading zone. The management needs to be involved in every step of the development plan. The chances for success are greater when the management is supportive of the plan. The concepts that can help generate the management support include: reduced disposal costs, compliance with the state’s waste management requirements, potential income from well sorted recyclables, and nurturing of ecologically aware culture.
Review the waste hauler agreement
A waste removal contract that is dependent on the frequency of services or amount of generated waste, as opposed to a flat fee is more rewarding. The prevention of waste and recycling can be financially rewarding. Buildings can reduce the costs of disposal and sometimes earn some revenue from the sales of separated recyclables. Because of new laws like mandatory commercial recycling, current haulers could be ready and willing to facilitate additional bins for mixed recyclable materials at little cost or no cost.
Consider potential recyclers
There are many opportunities offered to facilities by private entities. For instance, non-profit agencies could provide low cost recycling pickup. Alternatively, they could offer an opportunity to donate the recyclables to a good cause that benefits the local community. Other potential recyclers could also facilitate recycling containers, shred confidential documents, provide promotional materials for purposes of educating employees and remove pallets. The factors to consider when selecting a vendor include: whether the recyclable materials need to be separated; whether the vendor can furnish you with references; and whether the vendor will pay, how the recyclables will be weighed and how the payments will be calculated & tracked.
Consider source separate vs. commingled recyclable
The source separation involves taking measures to separate materials into types, like plastic and paper. Well, on the other hand, commingling means combining different types of waste such as glass, metal, plastic and paper. Many of the trash haulers offer the commingled recycling. They offer one bin for trash and a separate bin for recyclables. If you want some revenue from your recycled materials, then choose the source separation.